The Outcome of a Single Battle Does Not Define the War

The purpose of this blog is to encourage discussion of current events, policies, legislation, and other such happenings that affect the American way of life; and provide a forum for making Americans' voices heard where it counts. It is for people who want to understand the truth about the issues and work together to find creative, rational solutions to the problems we face. It is our hope that, as well as adults, young people will feel welcome to participate. With this in mind, please keep all postings and comments clean, and be considerate to all who wish to participate in this forum. Thank you for your interest in protecting the people of this nation and making it a better place for all of us.

Friday, February 3, 2012

What does this mean to you?

The Federal Government has decreed that every business that offers insurance to their employees must thereby pay for women there employed to have free access to birth control.  The Catholic Church has officially stated that they will not comply.  What does this issue mean to you?

1 comment:

  1. Please visit!/petition/rescind-hhs-dept-mandate-requiring-catholic-employers-provide-contraceptivesabortifacients-their/lBxr7SdP#thank-you=p to register your info in order to sign a petition to rescind this mandate.
